K.L.E Society's


HAVERI 581-110
Re-Accredited "A" Grade(CGPA - 3.13) by NAAC

Zoology Department

About Department

Our department was established in 1963, since its inception it has been striving to disseminate quality education in the field of zoology with galaxy of intellectual faculty members. It is certainly a feather in our cap to have a faculty like Dr. N R Birasal who had been adjudged as “BEST TEACHER AND BEST RESEARCHER OF HAVERI DISTRICT” (2006-07).

Presently our department has four qualified and well experienced teaching staff members and one menial staff. Prof Y.H.Yalavigi is the present Head of the Department.

About Zoology

Zoology (also known as animal science) is the branch of biology devoted to study of animal life. It covers study of animals both living and extent, including their anatomy and physiology, embryology, genetics, evolution, classification, habits, behaviour and distribution. Zoology is both descriptive and analytical. It can be approached either as basic science or as an applied science. It is now considered as an interdisciplinary field that applies a great variety of techniques to obtain the knowledge of animal kingdom.

Objectives of the Department

  • To disseminate knowledge regarding various fields of zoology.

  • To make learners understand the essence of zoology in shaping our planet.

  • To empower learners economically by supplementing knowledge and skills towards sericulture, vermiculture, Aquaculture, poultry, Apiculture etc.

  • To facilitate research in zoology

  • To impart holistic education to learners and enable them to sail through global competition.


All Stream Results 2016-2020

1 2016-17 65 63 96.92%
2 2017-18 63 61 96.82%
3 2018-19 75 75 100%
4 2019-20 75 75 100%



Sl. No Date   Name of the Event   Title of the Event Outcome
01 23.02.2017 Extension Activity Converting Green waste into Organic Manure This activity helped the students to gain knowledge about organic manure out of waste by vermicomposting .
02 22.03.2017 Guest Lecture Career and employment options for B.Sc students with Zoology This lecture empowered our students to make informed choice while choosing their career.
03 06.03.2018 Seminar National seminar on “Ban on Dissection” This seminar weighed pros and cons of Ban on dissections and looked for alternative arrangements for effective learning.
04 18.01.2019 Guest Lecture Biotechnology Participants were able to witness the relevance and practicality of biological techniques.
05 28.02.2019 Seminar One Day National Level Seminar On “Health and Infection control – Minimizing the risk of infection during flu season” Awareness regarding prevention is better than cure.
06 17.02.2020 Guest Lecture Role of birds in ecology and environment. Participants realized the pivotal role and aesthetic value of birds and their conservation needs.
07 07.02.2020 Extension Activity Demonstration of cadaver Through this extension activity our students gained knowledge regarding Human anatomy. Our students realised the importance of organ donation.
08 28.02.2020 Extension Activity Biodiversity Around us This activity inspired the students to know about indigenous species and their conservation. Specimen display helped the students make connection with textual learning and reinforcing.
09 03.05.2020 Online Seminar Competition “immunity the panacea for pandemic diseases”. All the graduate students were able to understand different dimensions of immunity.
10 04.06.2021 Webinar National Level Webinar on “ English- The Skill/Success Factor Enhanced participants’ perception and refinement of their prior knowledge regarding soft skills.

Certificate Courses

Sl. No Year       TITLE OF THE COURSE Intake
01 2016-2017 Vermicomposting 24
02 2019-2020 Vermicomposting 50

Faculty Profile:

Sl.No Name of the Faculty Designation
1 Sri Y.H.Yalavigi
M.Sc, M.Phil, KSET.
Associate Professor
2 Smt. Roopa Kore
Assistant Professor
3 Sri M.H.Gudigeri
Assistant Professor
4 Miss. Navaratna
Assistant Professor
5 Miss. Madhu Arkachari
M.Sc. B.Ed.
Assistant Professor
6 Miss. Rohini Hiremath
M.Sc. B.Ed.
Assistant Professor


Office Superidendant, P.B.Road,
Haveri,Karnataka 581110,India

  08375 - 236824


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