K.L.E Society's


HAVERI 581-110
Re-Accredited "A" Grade(CGPA - 3.13) by NAAC

Mathematics Department

About Department

The Department of Mathematics has established in the year 1964. Many eminent personalities were served this department. Prof. G.B. Navalagi, Dr. C.M. Math, Dr. S. V. Hiremath are some of them. Dr. G.B.Navalagi has successfully completed Minor Research Project on ‘Some studies in point set topology-preopen sets, weaker forms of open sets and their properties.’

Dr. C. M. Math has completed two Research Project on statistics. In 2017, Smt. G.K.Mankani completed MRP on ‘Environmental Mathematics and Statistics’. UGC sponsored two day National level seminar on “Recent trends in analysis and its application” on 24th and 25th June, 2005.

In 2015 National Conference on "Applied Mathematics : Numerical Analysis , Algebra and Computational Mathematics" was organized . Dr Y N Reddy, Professor of National Institute of Technology Warangal, Andhra Pradesh was the Chief guest and Dr Pradeep Siddheshwar, Bangalore University delivered the key note address . 174 delegates attended were attended the conference and 46 papers were presented at the conference.

In 2014, National seminar on "Education and National Integration " was organized to mark the 126th birth anniversary of Sri Abdul Kalam Azad, the first Education Minister of India. Dr A H Rajasab, Vice Chancellor of Tumkur University was the Chief guest. Shri Gopal B Hosur, retired IPS officer delivered the Key note address. 199 delegates attended the seminar and 39 papers were presented in seminar.

Arpita Kokati (sixth rank and gold medal scoring 98.58% in Mathematics) and Shashikala Sheelavantar(ninth rank) in year 2012 from karnatak University Dharawad. Nishita Pawar secured sixth rank from Karnatak University, Dharwad in 2017. Fatima Y Khanzade passed the KSET Examination held on 31st December 2017.

Objectives of the Department

  • To develop student’s ability to apply both conventional and creative techniques to the solution of mathematical problems i.e. enable students to use problem solving techniques to the solution of mathematical problems.

  • To use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols, terminology) in both oral and written form.

  • To prepare students to become teachers of Mathematics for success in their future mathematical endeavors.

  • To select and apply general rules correctly to solve problems including those in real-life contexts.


All Stream Results 2016-2020

Year       2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Semester Odd Even Odd Even Odd Even Odd Even
B.Sc - I 88.6 88.82 84.47 77.78 73.53 77.78 78.00 100.00
B.Sc - II 94.44 86.11 87.50 84.06 89.25 85.26 91.00 100.00
B.Sc - III 97.18 77.94 94.44 84.72 86.57 83.61 86.17 83.70



Sl.No Date   Name of the activity   Title of the activity  
01 18.03.2017 Extension activity Activity on Origamy
02 22.3.2017 Workshop Career and employment options for B.Sc students
03 13.02.2019 Extension activity Activity on Origamy
04 23.02.2019 Guest Lecture Mathematical Modelling and Ramanujan’s Magic square
05 26.02.2019 Guest Lecture Transcendental numbers
06 10.03.2020 Exhibition Math model Exhibition
07 10.07.2020 State level Quiz Mathematics
08 30.07.2020 National level Webinar A glimpse on shared value or set problems of a special class of complex valued functions
09 10.06.2021 National level Webinar Marvel of Mathematics

Faculty Profile:

Sl.No Name of the Faculty Designation
1 Smt. G.K.Mankani
M.Sc, M.Phil
Assistant Professor
2 Dr. Ashwini Hattikal
M.Sc, Ph.D
Assistant Professor


Office Superidendant, P.B.Road,
Haveri,Karnataka 581110,India

  08375 - 236824


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