K.L.E Society's


HAVERI 581-110
Re-Accredited "A" Grade(CGPA - 3.13) by NAAC

Commerce Department

About Department

Department of commerce established in the year 1977 to run Bachelor of Commerce (UG-B.Com) and Post Graduate Department of studies in Commerce was established in the year of 2008 for Master of Commerce (M.Com) and is affiliated to affiliation of Karnatak University, Dharwad. We are the pioneer institute to start the Master of Commerce in our district being the southern part of the University jurisdiction. We have well equipped shared Business Lab and Computer with B.Com to cater to the needs of commerce students. The department has dedicated and competent faculty members with good academic qualification. The department inspires industry orientation among student fraternity. As a part of endeavor to keep students abreast with the latest information in commerce we arranged lectures on various interdisciplinary subjects by the various departments.

The Following are the details of the programme.

  • Details of Programme offered:
    • UG Programme – B.Com.; 3 Years; Semester Scheme; CBCS; Aided
    • PG Programme - M.Com.; 2 Years; Semester Scheme; CBCS; Self-Financed.
  • Interdisciplinary Character
    • Department of Statistics, English, Economics and Education are involved for open Elective Courses.
  • Self-financed certificate course

Faculty members participated and presented their research papers in many seminars/workshops/conferences. Even they have published the articles in the reputed peer reviewed national and international journals/magazines. The institute is running self-financed course and is not getting any financial assistance from the UGC.


  • Provide favorable environment for quality education in Commerce, Management and Entrepreneurship.
  • Innovative teaching and learning models, with a strong balance between traditional and modern values.
  • Inculcate ethical and moral values by offering a support system which inspiring the future nation builders.


  • To impart effective and supportive education to enhance the knowledge in Commerce and Management.
  • Train the students to respond challenges in the corporate world in competitive world.
  • Provide facilities to the faculty and the students for creative thinking and innovative ideas.

Objectives of the Department

  • Enhance the skills to take right decision in financing, investing and dividend to achieve predetermined objectives.
  • Students understand theoretical concepts and practical approach of application of various laws relating to formation, management and smooth functioning of business organizations.
  • To enable a student with conventional as well as contemporary areas in the discipline of Commerce.
  • Pertain ethical principles and entrust to professional ethics and responsibilities.


Events organized for B. Com Students

Sl.No Date       Name of the Activities  
01 27/02/2017 Extension activity 'Impact on cash less-transactions due to demonetization
02 07/03/2017 Industrial Visit by department of Commerce and Economics (Study Tour)
03 17/03/2017 Career guidance programme-Guidance for preparing CA and CS Course
04 28/04/2017 A special Lecture on "Career Guidance"
05 16/03/2019 Extension activity on Computer awareness for rural students
06 16/02/2019 Guest lecture on skill development
07 19/02/2019 Guest lecture on "Speed Mathematical Skills for competitive exams"
08 26/02/2019 One day workshop on Management Skills
09 22/07/2019 Essay competition on 'Role of Income tax in Building Modern India
10 23/08/2019 Aptitude test "3rd All India Tally Commerce Aptitude Test"
11 14/09/2019 Guest Lecture on Pricing methods and techniques
12 08/02/2020 Guest lecture on "Personality Development"
13 10/02/2020 Guest lecture on Life Skills
14 14/02/2020 One day workshop on Entrepreneur problems and prospects
15 15/02/2020 Guest lecture on IAS, KAS and IBPS Coaching
16 13/03/2020 Extension activity- Women Empowerment and financial facilities
17 21/07/2020 National webinar on Derivatives as a risk management Tool

Events organized for M.Com Students

Sl.No Date       Name of the Activities  
01 21/03/2017 Extension activity-Tax planning and filing form no.16
02 23/03/2017 Industry visit (Study tour) West Coast Paper Mill Ltd, Dandeli
03 23/03/2018 Shreyas Paper Mill Ltd, Dandeli
04 06/03/2017 Workshp on Opportunities by qualifying UGC NET KSET
05 31/03/2017 Workshop on Role of economic analysis in business
06 31/03/2017 Workshop on Role of ICT in Global Development
07 23/09/2017 Guest Lecture-Recent trends in Methodology
08 26/03/2018 Workshop on Career guidance and placement
09 29/08/2018 Guest lecture on Investors' awareness programme- an overview of NSE of India and Capital Market
10 14/09/2019 Guest lecture on Strategic financial management
11 25/10/2019 Workshop on Preparation for UGC NET and KSET
12 08/04/2019 Industrial visit Karnataka Silk Industrial Coroporation Ltd Mysuru
13 26/10/2019 Orientation Positive attitude - The key to success
14 14/11/2019 Guest lecture on One Nation and One Constitution
15 29/05/2020 National Webinar on “Investors Awareness Programme”
16 03/06/2020 National Webinar on Basics of GST
17 04/06/2020 National Webinar on GST Reverse charge Mechanism
18 15/07/2020 National webinar on Mantras of Research Paper Writing
19 23/07/2020 National webinar on Adopting ourselves to the academic activities
20 07/06/2021 National webinar on Artificial Intelligence in Business and Management

Events organized for B.Com and M.Com Students

Sl.No Date       Name of the Activities  
01 10-06-2021 National Webinar on Business Ethics and Human Values
02 23-07-2021 International Webinar on Robotic Accounting

Faculty Profile:

Sl.No Name of the Faculty Designation
1 Dr. M. B. Yadagudi
M.Com, M.Phil, Ph.D, LL.B (SPL)
Assistant Professor
2 R.B.Ajaraddi
M.Com, M.Phil.
Assistant Professor
3 Smt. Rishika D
Assistant Professor
4 Gururaj S Barki
M.Com, M.Phil, NET and KSET and (Ph.D.)
Assistant Professor
5 Dr. G.V. Salimath
M.Com, B.Ed, PGDBM, MBA. Ph.D (Hon)
Assistant Professor
6 S.D. Hiremath
Assistant Professor
7 Pavankumar U D
M.Com, B.Ed
Assistant Professor
8 Sumangala G M
M.Com, NET
Assistant Professor


Office Superidendant, P.B.Road,
Haveri,Karnataka 581110,India

  08375 - 236824


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