K.L.E Society's


HAVERI 581-110
Re-Accredited "A" Grade(CGPA - 3.13) by NAAC

English Department

About Department

The English Department is one of the oldest and most reputed Departments in K.LE Society’s Gudleppa Hallikeri College. Department started in the year 1963, English is one of the obligate course for all streams. As per the direction of Karnataka University Dharwad, three Subjects of equal importance came in to existence. In 2009-10 the department introduced English as one of the Optional subject for Arts stream. Its reputation has been steadily enhanced over the years through the hard work of its faculty, which has traditionally combined excellence in dedication to pedagogy.

Students admitted to the First Year Undergraduate Programme are given a week-long series of orientation lectures initiating them to the various approaches and methodologies of literary studies. The overall performance of students of this Department has been consistently of a high standard.

The Department runs the English Literary Society which organizes various events including lectures and conferences through the academic year and places an emphasis on written work and discussion as crucial components of the learning process. The Departmental Library provides useful additional study material for the students.

Presently our department has five qualified and well experienced teaching staff members Prof . Nayana S is the present Head of the Department

Aims of the Department

  • To help the students to get practical command over English.
  • To provide ample opportunities to improve Language Skills like L.S.R.W.
  • To develop the ability of evaluation and analysis of language components
  • To develop the self study habit and self compositions

Objectives of the Department

  • The main motive of the department is to update our students with corporate skills and communication skills which are necessary in the present e-world.
  • Familiarity with literary terms practices terms and theoretical foundations of the courses will make the students aware of the aesthetic structure for the genre in which they are studying.


To nurture the youth into accomplished and competent graduates to face the Globe with confidence

Certificate Courses

Spoken English - 2008-09 the course was introduced and still going on

Sl.No Year Outcome
01 2016-17 Improved in their fluency and started spoken English classes as tutor
02 2017-18
03 2018-19
04 2019-20

Calligraphy - 2014-15 the course was introduced and still going on

Sl.No Year   Outcome
01 2016-17 Improved in their handwriting. and appointed as a calligraphy tutor in various schools and private institution
02 2017-18
03 2018-19
04 2019-20


All Stream Results 2016-20

B. A VI Sem Basic English

Year Appeared Passed %
2016-17 15 14 93.33
2017-18 13 13 100
2018-19 08 07 87.5
2019-20 06 06 100

B. A VI Sem Optional English

Year Appeared Passed %
2016-17 12 10 83.33
2017-18 18 16 88.88
2018-19 25 20 80
2019-20 22 20 90.90

B. Sc IV Sem Basic English

Year Appeared Passed %
2016-17 154 147 95.45
2017-18 157 151 96.17
2018-19 187 187 100
2019-20 208 203 97.59

B.Com II Sem Basic English

Year Appeared Passed %
2016-17 162 158 82.27
2017-18 142 132 92.95
2018-19 155 155 100
2019-20 166 157 94.57

Events organized by the Department from 2016-17 to 2020-21

S.No Date Name of the activity Title of the Activity
01 26 Feb 2020 National Seminar Role of English in Digitalized World
02 07 Mar 2017 Workshop organized by the Department for student’s Self Excellence
03 5 Mar 2019 Workshop organized by the Department for student’s Communication Skills and Benchmark for NET /SLET Aspirants
Guest Lecture
04 9 Sept 2019 Guest Lecture Opportunities in Armed forces and skills with Phonetics
05 6 Feb 2020 Guest Lecture Nature and forms of Poetry
Extension Activity
06 5 Aug, 2016 Extension Activity Importance of English Language
07 22 Feb 2018 Extension Activity Teaching English at primary Level
08 6 Mar 2019 Extension Activity Teaching English Grammar at Primary Level
09 30 Jan 2020 Extension Activity Teaching English at primary Level
Online Activity during Lockdown period
10 26 Jun 2020 National level online Quiz English Grammar and Literature
11 23 Apr 2021 National level online Quiz On the Eve of Shakespeare’s Birthday
12 27 Aug 2020 International Level Webinar Liberalism, Marxicism, Gandhism and the study of Realism in the present Scenario
13 3 June 2021 International Level Webinar The Science in the Art of Presentation

Faculty Profile:

Sl.No Name of the Faculty Designation
1 Dr. S.R.Kulkarni
Associate Professor
2 Smt. Nayana S
M.A, B.Ed, KSET.
Assistant Professor
3 Sri S. M. Angadi
M.A, M.Phil, B.Ed
Assistant Professor
4 Sri. Gireesh B Hosalli
M.A, B.Ed.
Assistant Professor
5 Miss. N M Mallammanavar
M.A, B.Ed.
Assistant Professor


Office Superidendant, P.B.Road,
Haveri,Karnataka 581110,India

  08375 - 236824


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