K.L.E Society's


HAVERI 581-110
Re-Accredited "A" Grade(CGPA - 3.13) by NAAC

History Department

About Department

Our Department started in the year 1963, and History was introduced as one of the major subjects. As per the direction of Karnataka University Dharwad, three Subjects of equal importance came in to existence. From 2005-06 on words semester system is introduced. Presently our department has one qualified Staff Dr. S.R. Korishettar is the present Head of the Department.

Objectives of the Department

The term History has been derived from the Greek words “Historia” the word history means enquiry or research. Broadly speaking, the systematic study of the life of mankind is delt in history. The study of History gives as on account of the evolution of the culture of mankind since ancient times. History presents an ocean of experiences of different people. It retraces the transition of mans life from barbarism to civilization. The study of history has been useful to man in many ways.

The main objectives of teaching History may be as follows:

  • To promote an understanding of the processes of change and development through which human societies have evolved to their present stage of development.

  • To promote an understanding of the common roots of human civilization and an appreciation of the basic unit of mankind.

  • To develop an appreciation of the contribution made by various cultures to the total heritage of mankind.

  • To foster the understanding that the mutual interaction of various cultures has been an important factor in the progress of mankind.

  • To facilitate the study of the History of specific countries in relation to and as parts of the general History of mankind.


All Stream Results 2016-2020

Year Appeared Passed Passing %
2016-17 30 28 93.33%
2017-18 36 32 88.88%
2018-19 42 34 80.95%
2019-20 55 50 90.90%



Sl.No Date   Name of the Activity   Title of the Activity
01 07.03.2017 Workshop Self Excellence
02 25.12.2017 Extension Monuments Preservation
03 20.09.2018 Extension Historical site excavation
04 21.03.2019 Workshop History of Northern Karnataka
05 27.02.2019 Guest Lecture Early Chalukyan Architecture
06 29.01.2020 Extension Temple Architecture
07 07.07.2020 Quiz Indian History
08 04.03.2021 Guest Lecture Temple Architecture
09 05.03.2021 Quiz Indian History
10 06.03.2021 Study Tour Mirzanpur Fort

Certificate Courses

Sl.No Title of the Course Year of Introduction Intake
01 Karnataka Heritage 2019-20 30

Faculty Profile:

Sl.No Name of the Faculty Designation
1 Dr. Shivayogi. R. Korishettar
MA, Ph.D, Dip. In EPI
Associate Professor


Office Superidendant, P.B.Road,
Haveri,Karnataka 581110,India

  08375 - 236824


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