K.L.E Society's


HAVERI 581-110
Re-Accredited "A" Grade(CGPA - 3.13) by NAAC

Sports Department

About Department

The Department of Sports was established in the year 1963. The Department has observed the following eminent personalities till now as Physical Education Directors.

  • Prof. H. B. Haragole has served the department during the year 1963 to 1980.

  • Prof. A. G. Jakati has served the department during the year 1981 to 1983.

  • Prof. S. M. Chikkoppa has served the department during the year 1984 to 2004.

  • Shri. S. N. Tegginkeri has served the department during the year 2004 to 2008.

  • Shri. Somu. Patil has served the department during the year 2009 to 2010.

  • Shri. Kotresh D S has served the department during the year 2011 to 2020.

  • Miss. Pooja M has joined the department during the year 2020 and is serving as Physical Education Director.

Aims and Objectives

A curriculum consists of various courses but it is incomplete without physical education. Physical education is very essential for the physical, mental and emotional health of stakeholders which motivates them to lead their professional and personal life stress-free and confidently. Hence, Physical education is an integral part of the total 'Teaching Learning Process’. In a direction to build a strong educational institution and nation, the department has formulated the following Aims and objectives:

  • Sports and games helps in developing and framing better physical, mental, social, and emotional qualities of a student.

  • It is also a medium of realization for them to set goals.

  • The physical training imparts high moral values which in-turn helps in building the Nation.

  • They develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully.

  • The department works to develop the Neuro-Muscular Co-ordination of students.

  • To involve Holistic growth through physical fitness.

  • To inculcate the importance of Team work and team spirit.

  • To Inculcate the leadership qualities.

  • To Develop Assimilation of discipline and dedication.



Sl. No Date   Name of the Event   Title of the Event
1. 10 & 11thFeb 2017 Table Tennis KUD 1stZone Men & Women Table Tennis Tournament.
2. 18 & 19th Sept 2016 Annual Sports meet 53rd Annual Sports meet
3. 07 & 08thFeb 2018 Handball KUD Inter Zonal Men Handball Tournament
4. 13 & 14TH Feb 2018 Annual Sports meet 54th Annual Sports meet
5. 1ST to 3RD Oct 2018 BASKET BALL Karnataka university single zone women basketball tournament cum selection trials.
6. 13 & 14TH Feb 2019 Annual Sports meet 55th Annual Sports meet
7. 15th & 16thFeb 2020 Table Tennis KUD 1st Zone Men & Women Table Tennis Tournament
8. 10th Aug 2020 National Level Webinar Futuristic trends in physical education for youth during covid-19
9. 12th Jul 2020 Online Quiz National level SportsQuiz
10. 18th Jul 2020 Online Quiz National level Yoga quiz.
11. 23rd Feb 2021 Annual Sports meet 57th Annual Sports meet
12. 07th May 2021 Online Quiz National level Athletics Quiz on Behalf of World Athletics Day Celebration.
13. 24th May 2021 Online Quiz National Level Wrestling Quiz on Behalf of World Wrestling Day celebration.
14. 1st Jul 2021 Online International Yogasana Challenge(For 21 days ) International Yogasana Challenge -2021 on Behalf of 7th International Yoga day Celebration.

Achievements in Various Tournaments from 2016-2021

Karnataka University Blues From 2016 – 2020

Sl. No Year  Men  Women  Total
1. 2016-2017 07 03 10
2. 2017-2018 09 06 15
3. 2018-2019 12 06 18
4. 2019-2020 07 01 08
Total 51

Total medals in Overall Tournaments from 2016-2021

Sl. No Year  First Zonal  Inter Zonal  Single Zonal  Total Number of Medals
1. 2016-2017 10 10 12 32
2. 2017-2018 10 34 Nill 44
3. 2018-2019 10 15 Nill 25
4. 2019-2020 10 Nill Nill 10
Total Number of Medals 106

Certificate Courses

Course Name Certificate Course 
Title of the Course Certificate Course in Yoga. (Value Added).
Year of Introduce 2019-2020
Intake 25 Students


Students practice Yoga focusing on yoga for strength, flexibility, and relaxation. The class will also cover techniques for increasing concentration, decreasing anxiety & Stress management which leads to stronger academic performance. Breathing exercises and healthy fitness activities will also be taught.

  • Demonstrate basic skills associated with yoga activities including strength and flexibility, balance and coordination.

  • Demonstrate the ability to perform yoga movements in various combination and forms.

  • Understand and apply the knowledge of basic sequencing, and effective group management.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of health-related fitness components: cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility and body composition.

  • Improve personal fitness through participation in yoga, muscular, strength, and muscular endurance activities.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of health problems associated with inadequate fitness levels.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of sound nutritional practices as related to health and physical performance.

  • Demonstrate basic skills associated with yoga and Pilates.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of health-related fitness components: muscular strength, muscular endurance, and stress management.

  • Understand and correctly apply biomechanical and physiological principles elated to exercise and training.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of health problems associated with inadequate fitness levels.

Faculty Profile:

Sl.No Name of the Faculty Designation
M.A, M.Phil.
Assistant Professor


Office Superidendant, P.B.Road,
Haveri,Karnataka 581110,India

  08375 - 236824


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